Master of Business Administration

The Master of Business Administration at Univali is rated 5 in the CAPES Assessment, operating with nationally and internationally recognized professor.

We offer the opportunity to deepen knowledge in Management, and to develop a critical and scientifically based view on various areas of Administration. You will be able to develop new skills and specialize in a specific subject in your dissertation, which qualifies your professional performance, in addition to disseminating your knowledge through publications in Brazil and abroad.

We prepare our students to enter the Doctorate, but also for the job market. Administration is an applied and multidisciplinary area, and our Program is also open to graduates in several areas, such as Economics, Engineering, Computing, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, among others. Come visit and meet us! (Learn more about us, welcome to our world! Visit us and know more about our Program!).

The evaluation of Graduate Programs carried out by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) includes the annual follow-up and the quadrennial performance evaluation. It is carried out in all programs and courses that are part of the National Postgraduate System – SNPG. This rating system indicates programs with a standard of academic excellence.

Curricular Structure

The Master of Business Administration lasts 24 months.
Given the academic profile of the program, students are expected to be present on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays throughout the duration of the program, in order to participate in classes, research activities, seminars and discussions,.

Students must demonstrate knowledge of the English language, as there may be classes, research groups and readings in English. Foreigners must, in addition, prove proficiency in the Portuguese language.

Areas of Study

  • Strategy, Management and Society.

Area 1: Strategy in Organizations

  • Strategy in Organizations

Area 2: Management Technologies

  • Management and Performance Technologies

Area 3: Sustainability, Organizations and Society

  • Strategy in Organizations and/or Management and Performance Technologies

Compulsory disciplines for all areas:

  • Statistical Analysis

  • Research Methodology in Business Administration

  • Dissertation Seminar

  • Organizational Theory

Elective Disciplines for all areas:

  • Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Strategies

  • Organizations and Markets

  • Consumer Behaviour

  • Internationalization Strategy

  • Strategies of non Market

  • Qualitative methods

  • Global agenda for the Development

  • Special Topic: Leadership and Motivation in the organizational environment

  • Innovation Strategy

  • Marketing and Market Intelligence

  • Social Responsability and Sustainable Development

  • Social Entrepreneurship

  • Quantitative Methods

  • Special Topic: Fundamentals of Absorptive Capacity

  • Case Studies

  • Special Topics


Each student must take at least 30 (thirty) credits, being:

  • 13 (thirteen) credits of compulsory subjects,

  • 11 (eleven) elective credits and

  • 06 (six) credits related to the elaboration of the dissertation.

Number of Credits

24 (twenty-four) credits in disciplines
6 (six) credits in the dissertation
Total: 30 (thirty) credits


Professor's Name
André Moraes dos Santos
Anete Alberton
Carlos Ricardo Rossetto
Claudio Reis Gonçalo
Dinorá Eliete Floriani
Fernando César Lenzi
Franciane Reinert Lyra
Gustavo Behling
Jeferson Lana
Rosilene Marcon (Course Coordinator)
Sidnei Vieira Marinho
Suzete Antonieta Lizote
Tatiana Ghedine

Collaborating faculty members

Professor's Name
Carlos Eduardo de Almeida Ramôa
Luciana Merlin Bervian
Mohamed Amal

Research Lines

Central theme: Strategy, Management and Society.

It addresses organizational phenomena, taking into account the role of organizations in society and the social impact of administrative practices. It also considers the importance of new relationships and organizational forms necessary to attract resources for the organization to achieve its goals and ensure its sustainable survival.

Given the complexity of the topic, we have two lines of research:

Line 1 – Strategy in Organizations

Line 2 – Management Technologies

These lines guide the research projects and the course subjects. Learn more about them:

Research Areas

Area 1: Organizational Strategy

This line involves studies on the phenomenon of strategy in organizations. It considers the internal and external environments, with local, sectorial and/or global scopes, and analyses at individual, organizational and/or macro-organizational levels.

Scientific production encompasses theoretical-empirical studies, with exploratory or explanatory perspectives, related to the sources of strategic heterogeneity, its processes, constituent elements, context, antecedents and consequences.

The main topics of this research line include: formulation, implementation, strategic planning and strategic processes; strategies in innovation ecosystems; capabilities (dynamic capability, absorptive capability, innovative and adaptive capabilities); intellectual property, innovation in restriction contexts (frugal and pyramid base); disruptive/incremental/radical and open innovation; digital transformation and the technological assets; organizational ambidexterity; entrepreneurship;  entrepreneurial behaviour; behavioural strategy; no-market strategies; corporative governance; management, leadership and the human behaviour in organizations; competence management from the individual to organizational level; research of the organizational relationship between organizations and stakeholders; emergent environments/markets; internationalization processes; t born-global companies based on technological businesses; creativity and local/global competitiveness.

Area 2: Management Technologies

This line involves studies on management technologies that contribute to the advancement of knowledge on issues related to the formulation and implementation of organizational performance measurement strategies and systems, in the context of the main organizational functions, including the areas of finance, production, marketing, planning and technological development and innovation.

It considers the importance of new management technologies as an element of competitiveness in organizations through the constant monitoring of performance measurement systems (SMD) in contemporary organizations. It also focuses on small business management, mapping and discussing the role of micro and small companies in regional development; policies and programs to encourage the creation of small businesses; service organizations and technology-based companies.

The main topics of this research line include strategy and performance organization; strategy as social practice; cost management, operation management, supply chain management, lean manufacturing, indicators and systems of performance measurement; market structures e operations; corporative finances and evaluation of performance; consumer behaviour and strategies of market communication, knowledge management and innovation, methods of creation in technology and innovation science; information systems to support management; artificial intelligence and big data.

Area 3: Sustainability, Organizations and Society

This research line comprises studies with a broad epistemological and methodological spectrum, prioritizing the levels of organizational, macro-organizational and societal analysis. It focuses on the impacts of the management of organizations on society, as well as the impacts of society on the management of organizations. It also includes the relationship between management and human behavior in organizations, the management of competences, from the individual to the organizational level. In this relationship, the line investigates the formation, development and maintenance of organizational forms in technical and/or institutional environments in search of organizational and environmental sustainability.

The main topics of this research line include the diversity in organizations; learning organization; theories and organizational culture; organizational change; sustainable or conscious consumption; consequences of consumption society; education for sustainability; social responsibility corporative and stakeholder management; sustainable productive chain; innovation; frugal innovation; education for sustainability; social entrepreneurship; and development of research methodologies. The line can still involve all the movements and problems which define the contemporary society, including those related to the implementation of Agenda 2030 and its objectives of sustainable development.

Research Groups

Organizational Relations and Strategy Group – PROFORME

The objective of this group is to study how organizations realize the environment on which are inserted on different economic sectors, what strategies are defined e the performance achieved. The objective of the research projects is focused on themes of environment, entrepreneurship, dynamic capability, performance, internationalization process of Brazilian companies. These are themes that has been influenced all the researches. The studies are developed in sectors such as technologic based companies, tourism and local productive arrangement (APLs). The group also has partners from many other pos-graduation programs in Brazil and also France, Canadá and Portugal.

Group leader: Dr. Carlos Ricardo Rossetto

Marketing Studies Group – GEMA

The Marketing Studies Group (GEMA) aims to promote discussions on research theories and methods related to marketing, seeking to integrate students with the real working environment. The objective is to create skills for analysis and decision-making on marketing variables, both consumer and organizational, covering the following areas of research:

- Marketing Strategy
- Consumer Behavior

Faculty supervisors and students work with the aim of strengthening these areas and consolidating Marketing on the Master's Program in in Business Administration and the Doctorate in Business Administration.

Group leader: Dr. Maria José Barbosa de Souza

Service Strategy, Innovation and Knowledge Group – GESICON

The research is carried out with a focus on Innovation, Service Strategies and Knowledge Management. The empirical fields investigated are: -Software development companies; -technological centers; - institutional models -startups; -international entrepreneurship -chain of services; creative cities; the retail sector, and business opportunities through national and international relationship.

Group leader: Dr. Claudio Reis Gonçalo

Center for Research on Management Technologies – NuTeG

The objective of the group is to develop researches on management Technologies in order to collaborate with the advance of knowledge about questions related to formulation and implementation of strategies and measurement systems of organizational performance.

To leverage the region development, the Works are focused to the management of small businesses, as well as, the researches will discuss market structures and operations, finance aspects, and the strategic planning, and also to identify and recognize the polices and incentive programs to the incentive to the creation of small businesses. The main areas of study are: strategy and management performance; Operation logistic management; supply chain management; lean manufacturing; service operations; cost management; methods of prospection in Science, Technology and Innovation.

Group leader: Dr. Sidney Vieira Marinho

Strategy and Performance Study Group – GEEP

This group is linked to the area of concentration Organizations and Society of the Postgraduate program in Business Administration of the University of Vale do Itajaí. It seeks to combine research focusing on the strategic determining factors of performance: RBV, stakeholders and others, as well as performance indicators. The group has two main areas of research: Strategic determinants of Performance, and Performance Indicators. The group is made up of undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as research professors.

Group leader: Dr. Rosilene Marcon

Nucleus of Studies in Internationalization and Strategy – NEINTE

This group has the objective of making researches that will allow to discuss, propose and develop academic projects and applied to the competitive areas in Brazilian industries to the exterior, management of subsidiaries of multinational companies, internationalization strategies.
This group has the following research lines:

  1. Competitiveness of Brazilian Enterprises

  2. Internationalization strategies of Enterprises

  3. Internationalization of micro and small companies

  4. Analysing the international direct investments

Group leader: Dr. Dinorá Eliete Floriani

Group of Studies in Sustainability and Management – GESeG

In globalized market, which is impacted to restriction of social, economic and environmental perspective, beyond a competitive differential for businesses, the management of sustainable enterprises is needed in addition to the efforts of governments and civil society, to make possible a model of sustainable development.

The management of the sustainability in favour of a sustainable development is a challenge to many sectors; it is applicable to enterprises, community or planet as whole where the ecologically correct; the economically correct, the economically viable, the socially fair and the culturally diverse are all presents. To understand the needs of such transaction for a sustainable society and the impact to the enterprises, governs, organizations of civil society and individual is the focus of this research group which is directed to study the actual scenario and trends in the field of sustainability management and the methodologies and processes that contribute to the sustainability and competitiveness.Re

Group leaders: Dr. Anete Alberton and Dr. Alexandre de Avila Leripio

Nucleus of Researches in Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (NUPLEI)

The challenge of the development requires that institutions of superior teaching develop actions to make possible to reach improvements socio-economical and, between them, to promote the entrepreneurship, in its many trends, becoming of huge importance. For that, it is necessary to develop studies to create new business models, where the innovation is priority and the leader role must be understood as part of this process. Based on these considerations the NUPLEI was born to give support to learn to be an entrepreneur and develop researches that will go beyond knowledge creation may be applied in the teaching of applied social science.

Group Leadres: Profa. Dra. Suzete Antonieta Lizote e Profa. Dra. Tatiana Ghedine

Contact us

Rua João Coan, nº. 400 - Universitário - Bloco 1, Sala 408.

CEP: 88161-064 Biguaçu - SC - Brazil

Telephone numbers:
+55 48 3279-9552
+55 48 3279-9537
+55 48 3279-9580


Working hours:
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
1:00 pm to 5:00pm and
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm

 International Exchange

The Master of Business Administration participates in the Linnaeus-Palme Program, a partnership with the Swedish Government that aims to strengthen cooperation between higher education institutions in Sweden and developing countries, promoting global contacts in the academic world. The program provides short-term exchange scholarships for professors and medium- and long-term exchange for students, who will be able to study at the University of Halmstad/Sweden for a period of six months to one year, with a scholarship in the amount of 56,500 SEK (Swedish kronor).


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